//Packaging on a Budget – What You Need to Know

Packaging on a Budget – What You Need to Know

If you sell any kind of products to customers, then you realise that packaging is as important as the product itself.

Creating an enticing and visually attractive package can help persuade customers to buy your product – many consumers base their buying decisions on it being a ‘Gifting Experience’.  Effective packaging can turn one-time customers into repeat customers. Your products’ first impression’ is its packaging, so getting it right is important to make that product successful.

But what if you don’t have excess funds to spend on upping your packaging game?  We understand that not every budget has room to spend on elaborate packaging.

Fortunately, there are some tips and tricks that you can keep in mind to keep your costs down while still getting packaging that will attract a wide range of buyers.

Buy Bulk

Buying bulk drives down per-unit costs.  If you know you’re going to keep a consistent product line and brand message for a long time, buying in bulk makes commercial sense.

Rather than buying each package style as you need it, pre-purchasing in bulk can help with cost, allows you to have an on-hand supply of packaging as orders are fulfilled, and cuts down on delays.

Bulk purchasing also gives you room to scale your business quickly – the ability to package and display your products is the first step to having consumers purchase your product, and you can’t scale business quickly without an ample supply of attractive packaging.

Contact us today to see if buying bulk is a good option for your business needs.


Materials play a major factor in packaging and it’s costs – there are simply some materials that cost more than others, but that shouldn’t discourage you. As there are plenty of ways to make your packaging unique, appealing and cost effective.

From vinyl and polypropylene to specialty covering materials like bonded leathers, we have a wide range of materials to meet your stylistic and budget needs.  Our choice materials can help make your products stand out against the competition.

Let us help with all of your packaging needs.  Our packaging specialists can take your ideas and budget and make your dreams a reality – with the flexibility to utilise inexpensive yet elegant materials, we can keep your project on or under budget while still providing an excellent product and most importantly Consumer experience.

Trust Our Expertise

We are here to help with your every packaging need – our team of experts can have a one on one conversation with you about your goals, ideas, and budget, and make sure you’re involved in every step of the process.  We will create a clear plan and walk you through every step of the production process so you know you’re getting exactly what you want.

Packaging is becoming increasingly important in today’s marketplace, not only to attract buyers, but to create repeat customers.  Regardless of your budget and style, our team of experts can create a custom packaging plan that will exceed expectations.

Contact us today to see how we can meet your packaging needs!

By |2019-07-15T11:36:37+00:00January 25th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments