In today’s market, packaging is much more than just functional. Packaging is being strategically used to increase sales and boost brand awareness. If you’re only focused on creating packaging that is functional, you’re missing out on a big opportunity for your business. Here are five ways to maximise the effectiveness of your packaging and why it’s so important to do so.
Personalise It
Your customers care about the packaging of your products almost as much as the product itself. Whether it’s the product packaging or shipping boxes, you need to come up with a unique design that is personal to your brand and image.
A great way to test if your packaging successful, think of your box as a separate product entirely – would you buy that box? If so, you’re probably on the right track. Separating the product from the packaging can help you focus on effective packaging design.
An Unboxing Surprise
One of the best ways to up your packaging game is to add a surprise for your customers to find when they open the box. If you’re shipping goods out directly to customers, it’s quite simple to put a handwritten note or small trinket in the box for them to find.
Your customers will definitely notice your extra effort when they pull a fun extra surprise out of the box. Something small and personal can make all the difference when your customers think about their next purchase – by putting in some extra effort with fun surprises, you’ll notice more repeat customers.
Think of Your Brand
When you’re designing your custom packaging, whether it’s for product packaging or shipping materials, think about your overall brand and how you want your brand to be seen. Your packaging is a powerful marketing tool not only to boost your brand image, but also to get it in front of as many potential customers as possible.
Material Choice is Important
An important factor that will certainly impact the outcome of your packaging is your material choice. Customers will easily be able to tell if you choose a low-quality material, and it will make them think negatively about your brand. While higher-quality materials can certainly cost more, they’re worth the additional investment.
Using better-quality cardboards and materials that add texture to your packaging is an excellent way to make your packaging stand out against your competition. Whether your products are sitting on the shelves or you ship them directly to your customers, material choice can make all the difference with your customers.
Package With Care
Our last tip for maximising your packaging is to package your products with care. The arrangement of your products in shipping boxes matters to your customers, and they’ll notice if the box is packed poorly. Keeping your products arranged neatly in your shipping box is a simple way to show your customers that you care about their entire experience, from start to finish.
Not only will proper packaging keep your products looking neat, it will also keep them safe in transit. By taking the time to secure your products in their shipping boxes, you’re ensuring that your products aren’t going to be broken during transit. Nobody likes opening a package to find broken products, and your customers will appreciate that you took the time to secure their purchase.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to maximise the effectiveness of your packaging. From material choice to branding, packaging is an important part of your product. For more information on how you can use packaging as an effective marketing tool, contact the manufacturing team at Bang Packaging today.